Add Kinetics

Kinetic reactions and their rate constants can be incorporated into the chemistry file using the "kinetics" field. The OLI Engine supports two types of kinetics: Arrhenius and user-defined. These are derived from the Reaction Kinetics (section 1.11) and Non-standard Rate Law (section 1.11.2) in the OLI Studio user manual.

Below is a sample code featuring kinetics.

  "params": {
    "thermodynamicFramework": "MSE (H3O+ ion)",
    "modelName": "testModel",
    "phases": [
    "inflows": [
        "name": "H2O"
        "name": "NACL"
        "name": "UREA"
        "name": "NH3"
        "name": "CO2"
        "name": "CACO3"
        "name": "Benzene"
        "name": "Ethanol"
    "kinetics": {
      "enabled": true,
      "data": [
          "enabled": true,
          "reaction": "2NH3AQ+CO2AQ=UREAAQ+H2O",
          "rateSpecification": "Arrhenius",
          "comment": "decide rate type names std/arrhenious vs user-defined/spec",
          "rateData": [
              "name": "KF",
              "value": 2000.0,
              "enabled": true
              "name": "AR",
              "value": 1.2e-4,
              "enabled": true
              "name": "BR",
              "value": 3480.78
              "name": "ER1",
              "value": 2.0
              "name": "ER2",
              "value": 1.0
              "name": "EP1",
              "value": 1.0
              "name": "EP2",
              "value": 0.0
          "enabled": true,
          "reaction": "NH3AQ+H2O=NH4ION+OHION",
          "rateSpecification": "user-defined",
          "comment": "decide rate type names std/arrhenious vs user-defined/spec",
          "rateData": [
              "name": "FXRATE",
              "value": "LNH3AQ+ANH3AQ+LH2O+AH2O",
              "enabled": true
              "name": "RXRATE",
              "value": "LNH4ION+ANH4ION+LOHION+AOHION",
              "enabled": true
              "name": "KF1",
              "value": 3.0,
              "enabled": true
              "name": "KR1",
              "value": "KF1/KEQ",
              "enabled": true
          "rate": "(KF1*EXP(FXRATE)-KR1*EXP(RXRATE))*VOLLIQ/1000"

Kinetics is an optional field for generating .dbs files.

The "data" JSON object is always required when utilizing kinetics.

kineticsalways requiredtype


JSON Object

Within "data" object, the following input fields must be included.

dataalways requiredtype






Array of JSON Object

Please refer to section 1.11, "Reaction Kinetics," and section 1.11.2, "Non-standard Rate Law," in the OLI Studio manual for more information on reactions and user-defined equations.

Refer to Kinetics Query for information on species and equilibrium reactions.

In the "rateSpecification", either "Arrhenius" for standard rate law or "user-defined" for non-standard rate law is required.

Kinetics and its internal JSON objects can be enabled or disabled using "enabled" Keyword.

Last updated