Isenthalpic flash

This function is used to determine the equilibrium solution output at constant pressure and enthalpy. Here the temperature is a free variable that is determined along with the equilibrium solution output.



run an isenthalpic flash calculation


	"code": 200,
	"data": {
		"file_id": "dee854a6-59db-487d-ad08-a20dee691133",
		"jobId": "f6b3375e-cd0f-4ace-a5ee-71e047b76754",
		"resultsLink": "",
		"status": "IN PROGRESS"
	"message": "Process execution started Successfully",
	"status": "SUCCESS"

Request payload

    "params": {
        "temperature": {
            "value": 40.0,
            "unit": "°C"
        "pressure": {
            "value": 1.5,
            "unit": "atm"
        "enthalpy": {
            "value": -7.34600e6,
            "unit": "cal"
        "inflows": {
            "unit": "mol",
            "values": {
                "H2O": 50.0,
                "BENZENE": 10.0,
                "CH4": 20.0,
                "NAOH": 35.0
                "value": 115.0,
                "unit": "mol"

in addition to the inputs shown above some optional properties may also be specified. They can be viewed here

If kinetic reactions are defined in the chemistry model, kinetic calculation inputs are required to be specified. A detailed description can be found here.

Response (status = PROCESSED)

    "code": 200,
    "data": {
        "result": {
            "calculatedVariables": [
                    "name": "temperature",
                    "value": 39.93432750114107,
                    "unit": "°C"
    "message": "Results returned successfully", 
    "status": "PROCESSED"

The output of this calculation is the stream output which is common result output for all OLI's flash calculations or an error. In addition to this output the result also contains the solution temperature which can be conveniently retrieved from the data.result.calculatedVariable array

Survey Calculation

Survey calculation is supported for the variables below. Please refer to Survey calculation for explained input schema.

Last updated