Run a Process API calculation

Note: The time to run a calculation using the OLI Process API cannot be predicted accurately and also some calculations may take longer to compute than others. Hence, a polling mechanism is required to retrieve the result of each calculation. The steps for this mechanism are described below.

  1. Send a POST request to the run URL below

  2. If the request was successful(status:200), the JSON response back will contain a link to the results and status of the computation. The status inside the "data" array will be IN QUEUE/IN PROGRESS

  3. Keep polling the returned results link with a GET request until the status member of the response changes from IN PROGRESS to PROCESSED/FAILED/ERROR or COMPLETED

  4. When the status is COMPLETED, then response will also contain the result of the computation

Run the selected process


The input to run the calculation is provided in the body of the message as JSON, the input is the object retrieved using the Get input specs for Process API package call.


Request Body

	"code": 200,
	"data": {
		"file_id": "dee854a6-59db-487d-ad08-a20dee691133",
		"jobId": "f6b3375e-cd0f-4ace-a5ee-71e047b76754",
		"resultsLink": "",
		"status": "IN PROGRESS"
	"message": "Process execution started Successfully",
	"status": "SUCCESS"

Response description

// Response from process-run call
    "data": {
        "jobId": "20978bbb-5f88-4ecd-ae90-582953afdedf",
        "processId": "a5c645fe-578b-4a48-a541-3d818d4ef564",
        "resultsLink": "",
        "status": "IN QUEUE"
    "message": "Process execution started Successfully",
    "status": "SUCCESS"

Last updated