Get input specs for Process API package
Each ProcessAPI package has a unique set of input requirements based on the user design. This function will return the JSON input specification for the Process as it was uploaded to the cloud.
The returned JSON input specification is described in Process API input specification
The developer will update the required inputs and provide this input into the call to run the process.
Get the input specifications for the supplied process_id
Bearer {access_token}
"data": {
"flowsheet": {
"chemical-info": {
"H2O": {
"formula": "H2O",
"mol-wt": 18.015341,
"name": "Water"
"H3OION": {
"formula": "H3O+1",
"mol-wt": 19.02331,
"name": "Hydronium ion(+1)"
"general-info": {
"blocks": {
"controller": {
"names": []
"energy-transfers": {
"names": []
"mapTruncatedNameToFullName": {
"Mix-1": "Mix-1"
"standard": {
"names": [
"chemistry-info": [
"name": "Chemi~01",
"thermo-framework": "MSE (H3O+ ion)"
"streams": {
"inflow": [
"chemistry": "Chemi~01",
"name": "S-1"
"chemistry": "Chemi~01",
"name": "S-2"
"mapTruncatedNameToFullName": {
"S-1": "S-1",
"S-2": "S-2",
"S-3": "S-3"
"outflow": [
"chemistry": "Chemi~01",
"name": "S-3",
"tear": false
"virtual": []
"water-analyses-info": []
"layout": { ... },
"properties": {
"input": {
"blocks": [
"disabled": false,
"name": "Mix-1",
"props": [
"bin-unit": "cal/hr",
"delta": false,
"name": "Heat Duty",
"propid": 3,
"unit": "J/hr",
"value": 0.0
"streams": [
"name": "S-1",
"props": [
"group": "Properties",
"name": "Temperature",
"unit": "°C",
"value": 25.0
"group": "Properties",
"name": "Pressure",
"unit": "atm",
"value": 1.0
"group": "Properties",
"name": "TotalFlow",
"unit": "mol/hr",
"value": 57.0
"group": "Inflow",
"name": "H2O",
"unit": "mol/hr",
"value": 55.0
"name": "S-2",
"water-analyses": []
"output": {
"blocks": [
"name": "Mix-1",
"units_set_id": "11"
"streams": [
"name": "S-1",
"units_set_id": "11"
"name": "S-2",
"units_set_id": "11"
"name": "S-3",
"units_set_id": "11"
"postCalc": {
"global": {
"activityCoefficientsMBased": false,
"activityCoefficientsXBased": true,
"alkalinity": false,
"electricalConductivity": false,
"entropySpecies": false,
"entropySpeciesStandardState": false,
"fugacityCoefficients": true,
"gibbsEnergySpecies": false,
"gibbsEnergySpeciesStandardState": false,
"hardness": true,
"heatCapacity": false,
"interfacialTension": false,
"ionicStrengthMBased": true,
"ionicStrengthXBased": true,
"kValuesMBased": true,
"kValuesXBased": false,
"materialBalanceGroup": true,
"pHAtStdTP": false,
"partialPressure": true,
"prescalingIndexEstimated": false,
"prescalingIndexRigorous": false,
"prescalingTendenciesEstimated": false,
"prescalingTendenciesRigorous": false,
"scalingIndex": false,
"scalingTendencies": true,
"selfDiffusivityAndMobility": false,
"surfaceTension": false,
"thermalConductivity": false,
"vaporDiffusivityMatrix": false,
"vaporFugacity": true,
"vaporToInflowMoleFraction": false,
"viscosity": false
"streams": [
"alkalinity": false,
"name": "S-1",
"phAtStdTP": false,
"preScalingTendencies": false,
"totalDissolvedSolidsEstimated": true
"alkalinity": false,
"name": "S-2",
"phAtStdTP": false,
"preScalingTendencies": false,
"totalDissolvedSolidsEstimated": true
"alkalinity": false,
"name": "S-3",
"phAtStdTP": false,
"preScalingTendencies": false,
"totalDissolvedSolidsEstimated": true
"units_set_info": {
"11": {
"alkalinity": "mg HCO3/L",
"amount": "mol/hr",
"area": "sq-cm",
"combined_phs_comp": "mol/hr",
"concentration": "mol/L",
"corrosionrate": "mm/yr",
"corsiz": "mm",
"cp": "cal/g K",
"current": "µA",
"current_den": "A/sq-m",
"cv": "L/mol",
"cycle": "rev",
"density": "g/ml",
"dif": "m2/s",
"econd": "µmho/cm",
"econdm": "m2/ohm-mol",
"ecurrent": "A",
"enthalpy": "J/hr",
"entr": "cal/K hr",
"equivalents": "eq/hr",
"equivalentsconc": "eq/L",
"equivalentsfrac": "eq/mol",
"equivalentsmolality": "eq/kg",
"fug": "atm",
"gas_vol": "L/hr",
"hardness": "mg/L as CaCO3",
"heat_duty": "E6cal/hr",
"heat_exch_capacity": "cal/K hr",
"heat_transfer_coeff": "cal/hr sq-m °C",
"i": "mol/mol",
"im": "mol/kg",
"induction_time": "min",
"inflows": "mol/hr",
"interfacial_tension": "N/m",
"kinetics_extent": "mol/hr",
"kinetics_k": "mol/hr m3",
"kinetics_rate": "mol/hr hr",
"length": "cm",
"liq1_phs_comp": "mol/hr",
"liq2_phs_comp": "mol/hr",
"liq_holdup": "m3/m3",
"liquid2_vol": "L/hr",
"liquid_vol": "L/hr",
"mass": "g/hr",
"mass_concentration": "mg/L",
"mass_transfer_coeff": "mol/hr sq-m",
"massfrac": "mass %",
"mob": "m2/s-volt",
"mol_entr": "cal/mol K",
"mol_gfe": "J/mol",
"molality": "mol/kg",
"molefrac": "mole %",
"moles": "mol/hr",
"part_pressure": "atm",
"permeability": "m/hr",
"permeability_coeff": "g/hr sq-m atm",
"pit_depth": "µm",
"pot": "V (SHE)",
"power": "hp",
"pt": "atm",
"resistance": "ohm",
"revolutions": "cycle/min",
"service_life": "day",
"shear_stress": "Pa",
"solid_phs_comp": "mol/hr",
"solid_vol": "L/hr",
"specific_p_drop": "atm/m",
"stdvol_gas_oil_ratio": "m3/m3",
"stdvol_water_gas_ratio": "m3/m3",
"surface_tension": "N/m",
"t": "°C",
"tds": "mg/L",
"thermalcond": "cal/hr m °C",
"tic": "mol C/L",
"time": "hr",
"total": "mol/hr",
"vapor_phs_comp": "mol/hr",
"velocity": "m/s",
"visabs": "cP",
"vol": "L/hr",
"vol_frac": "vol %",
"vol_pipe_flow": "m3/s"
"version": "test-00"
"message": "Process input specification retrieved successfully"
Last updated
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