If a computation fails in the API, the JSON response will look like the one below. The data.error object contains any errors (data.error.error) or warnings (data.error.warning) caught during the computation.
{"code": 200,"data": {"error": {"error": {"messages": [ {"code":1001,"message": ["the equilibrium calculation failed to converge" ] }, {"code":1001,"message": ["the T, P calculation did not converge" ] } ] },"warning": {"messages": [ {"code":1001,"message": ["the maximum number of iterations were exceeded" ] } ] } } },"message": "Results returned successfully","status": "SUCCESS"}
error.[error/warning].messages[ { } ]
simulation error code
error message lines
Sometimes its also possible that the computation will succeed and return with the data.result object. But inside this object we may have data.result.error and/or data.result.warning object.
{"code": 200,"data": {"result": {...<snip>..."error": {"error": {"messages": [ {"code":1001,"message": ["the equilibrium calculation failed to converge" ] }, {"code":1001,"message": ["the T, P calculation did not converge" ] } ] },"warning": {"messages": [ {"code":1001,"message": ["the maximum number of iterations were exceeded" ] } ] } } } },"message": "Results returned successfully","status": "SUCCESS"}